Eligible Projects Under the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program

By Jaycee Peutert, AAg, Farm Management Extension Specialist, Regional Services Branch, Moose Jaw

Now is a good time to start planning water projects on your operation to establish safer and more sustainable water sources for your livestock or for crop spraying needs. There is funding available through the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FWRIP) for qualified producers completing an eligible water project for agricultural use.

FRWIP, funded under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), provides 50 per cent cost-shared rebate funding for Saskatchewan producers who complete water development projects such as wells, dugouts and pipelines. The program encourages environmental sustainability by supporting the development of secure and sustainable water sources for agriculture use in Saskatchewan.

Eligible projects include:

Dugout projects:

  • Construction or excavation of new dugouts;
  • Expansion of existing dugouts (increased by a minimum of one-third of the original size);
  • Installation of wet wells;
  • Engineering or consulting costs;
  • Test holes; and
  • Permanent fencing to exclude livestock around the new water source (maximum rebate of $750 per project).

Pipeline projects:

  • Development and excavation of deep or shallow-buried pipeline to a new or existing water source;
  • Engineering or consulting costs for designing the pipeline; and
  • Pump related upgrades and plumbing materials to a maximum payment of $2,500 per project such as electric pump and controller, pressure system and fittings and connectors.

Well projects:

  • Both small and large diameter well development;
  • Construction of seepage or wet wells;
  • Engineering or consulting costs;
  • Reasonable groundwater test hole drilling;
  • Trenching and pipe from the well to a pressure system and water distribution point; and
  • As part of a new well project, screening and casing for wells, pumps and miscellaneous plumbing materials as listed above under pipeline projects, are also considered eligible.

There are other components that are eligible when completed in conjunction with a dugout, pipeline or well project. This includes permanently installed water storage tanks that are a minimum 1,000 US gallons to a maximum rebate of $2,500 per project. Watering appliances such as watering bowls, hydrants, or watering troughs with a capacity of at minimum 450 litres are eligible up to a maximum payment of $2,500 over the life of the program. All-in-one solar pumping systems are eligible to a maximum payment of $5,000 per project with a maximum of two solar systems per applicant over the life of the program.

For more information about the FRWIP, please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or contact your local agriculture programs specialist.

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