Federal Candidates Speak at Chamber Forum

True to party lines – that was the distinguishing mark of the Kindersley Chamber of Commerce October 8, 2019 “all-candidates” forum (the only missing candidate was the independent candidate, Maria Lewens).

At noon, sandwiches were served to around 50 locals, and shortly thereafter, the candidates began to speak.

I served as moderator – a rather simple job of seeing that candidates got to speak, that they stuck to their time limits, that question and answer time was provided for the audience, and that a final rebuttal time was given.

The first thing that struck me was the perseverance of the candidates. Kindersley is the northern end of the riding. A snowstorm had struck south of us. Most candidates met flakes flying and slush squeezing from beneath their tires. The ride home did not bode well. Yet they came.

As each candidate spoke, the desire to be an agent for the good of the citizens
was apparent. While some speakers were polished, others comical, and some folksy – they all spoke from a heart for service.

For those who have been following the coverage by Kindersley Social, a helpful description of the candidates was published on October 4th. For a fuller understanding of the candidates, I suggest you check that out (see article here).

In my limited way of thinking (and some days I do wish I was God and knew it
all), below is a short snapshot of each candidate, based on what I heard from the candidates.

Liberals – William Caton
The course is set, we just need to keep going. The current policies of the Liberal government have been helpful for the citizens, and will continue to prosper the middle class.

Conservatives – Jeremy Patzer
The course needs adjustment, we need to be at the helm. The course of the Conservatives will return the country to affordability and give back control to the citizens.

NDP – Trevor Peterson
The course is skewed, we need to have the rich pay. For the everyday citizen, NDP would see tax havens closed, student tuition reduced to free, Pharmacare introduced, and innovative approaches found for ag stability and oil sectors pollution.

Green Party – Bill Clary
The course is extinction, we need to be kind to the earth. The Green Party desires a move from fossil fuels to green energy through a mission possible approach using training within a renewable energy framework.

PPC – Lee Harding
The course is wrong, we need to see life for what it is. The People’s Party of Canada seeks to give each candidate a free voice, to provide the end of an argument – the government does not pick winners and losers, the citizens are called to their duty of active involvement, where government is the servant and not the master.

For the latest information and for more updates on everything Kindersley ‘Like’ the Kindersley Social Facebook page below…

By Ron Baker

Ron Baker is a recently retired (2005) member of the Kindersley community. His roots run deep – his grandfather homesteaded just outside Kindersley in the early 1900's. Ron was born in the old Kindersley Hospital, has made his home in various other communities over the years, but keeps coming back. Committed to the community, Ron has found his local involvement has proved to be great fodder for some hilarious tales and tragic events. His experience in administration and working with people, along with his love for a good story, ought to help to bring daily life to life! Ron blogs at ronbaker.ca, and is pleased to be a part of the writing “crew” at Kindersley Social.