Highlights from November 23, 2015 Council Meeting

Kindersley Elks Club president Gary Hamilton addressed Council to offer an update on club activities and to express the club’s support of capital projects to improve the Elks Hall in 2015 and 2016. Hamilton presented a donation for $4,000 to the Town of Kindersley toward these projects.

Kindersley Youth Council Mayor Jillian McArthur spoke on behalf of the group to request that some amendments be made to the Youth Council program that will enable more involvement in Council discussions and continued sustainability.

Chamber of Commerce president Tom Morris provided the third delegation of the evening, recommending that Council not proceed with an outdoor pool option and inquiring about the potential to survey Chamber members again. Morris also expressed interest on behalf of the Chamber to work with the Town to enhance tourist booth services in Kindersley.

Council directed Administration to seek options related to Kindersley and District Co-op’s request to relocate a service road adjacent to the Co-op Home and Agro Centre in order to accommodate an expansion of that property.

Administration was authorized to write off several long-term overdue accounts on the basis that the accounts are not deemed collectable due to age. These include unpaid utility bills and mobile home license fees.

Council adopted a newly revised Zero Tolerance Policy that will apply to all Town of Kindersley facilities, effective immediately.

Council discussed several other topics throughout the meeting, including an update from Mayor Enns-Wind regarding his attendance at Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) meetings in November, an overview of the Kindersley Culture Plan provided by Manager of Culture and Heritage, Michelle McMillan, and an introduction to new conflict of interest rules prepared by the Province of Saskatchewan for municipal leaders.

Source: kindersley.ca