UPDATE – Mistaken identity: Wrong dog welcomed home after 15 months

UPDATE – September 19, 2018

A Saskatchewan family now say the dog they thought they had reconnected with isn’t the dog they thought she was.

Believing they had miraculously been reunited with Georgia, the family took the dog home and started to care for it – not realizing they were barking up the wrong tree.

Read full article here….

– September 18, 2018 

In what can only be described as a Hollywood-level reunion, a lost dog named Georgia travelled nearly 500 kilometres through Saskatchewan to rejoin her family after 15 months.

Georgia went missing in St. Walburg, Sask., back in July 2017 after getting spooked by a thunderstorm, but was recently found just south of Caron, Sask., near her owner’s home in Moose Jaw and about 475 kilometres south of where she went missing more than a year ago.

Read full article here….

Image Source: CTV News 

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