‘I had a goal, and I set out to do it’: Yorkton, Sask., man walks across Canada — just because

Source: Bonnie Allen, CBC News, January 2, 2019 

Zayell Johnston logged 11.5 million steps during a 9-month, 9,000-kilometre trek

It was mid-February when Zayell Johnston splashed water from the Pacific Ocean on his face in Victoria and set off on a long and often torturous nine-month trek across Canada.

The Yorkton, Sask., man, 27, would earn the nickname Gump from friends and strangers — in honour of the fictional movie hero Forrest Gump — as he logged 11.5 million steps on his Fitbit, trudging through snow, hail and rain in his push to fulfil a personal goal.

Read full article here….

Image Source: Zayell Johnston/Facebook

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