Kindersley Honours Heroes at Local BBQ

Sometimes we can overlook the daily sacrifice of our local RCMP officers, forget to thank the tireless efforts of our volunteer firefighters, or, in the heat of the moment, we may neglect saying “thank-you” the EMS workers who save our lives.

Emergency workers, the community’s heroes, will often go unsung and underappreciated. Kindersley’s Chamber of Commerce decided to change that by hosting a community BBQ to honor the response teams of Kindersley.

“We wanted to give people in the community the opportunity to meet the people who serve our community and to give them a chance to say thank you.” Eric Friesen, president of Kindersley Chamber of Commerce, noted that the community often doesn’t get a chance to meet these workers under positive circumstances. “But an event like this can be great for our community to interact with our local response teams on a personal level.”

Several dozen members of the community gathered Friday afternoon for a BBQ steak meal at the Kindersley Plains Museum. The steaks were sponsored by the Kindersley Inn, and the food was graciously served by the Chamber of Commerce.

Kindersley RCMP – Image Courtesy of Mallorie Rast/Kindersley Social

During the occasion, the community was able to learn more about each branch of the response team.

For example, Kindersley has 16 RCMP officers serving the area, about 14 officers in Kindersley, 2 in Eston, and 4 in Kerrobert. Constable Joshua Wood noted that Kindersley’s pro-police attitude makes his first posting an enjoyable one. “My family was given a warm welcome, and we’ve found the rural aspect refreshing as it has allowed us to build strong relationships in the community.”

Kindersley EMS – Image Courtesy of Mallorie Rast/Kindersley Social

Kindersley’s local EMS team has two ambulances fully-staffed at all times, as well as the ability to staff a third ambulance when needed. “One thing that is incredible about this team is that out of our seven staff members, five are Advanced-Care Paramedics.” Tracey Watt, coordinator for Kindersley EMS, noted that for the size of its community, Kindersley has a strong base of EMS personnel.

Kindersley Fire – Image Courtesy of Mallorie Rast/Kindersley Social

The Kindersley Fire Department currently has 17 volunteer staff members, and are always looking for more.  If you are interested in joining this incredible crew, contact Chief Ron Hope for more details.

Feature Image Source: Mallorie Rast/Kindersley Social 

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By Mallorie Rast

Born and raised in the Kindersley area, Mallorie has a deep appreciation for rural living and the importance of a community spirit. Farm girl to the core, she is passionate about training and working with stock dogs and sheep on the family ranch. When she’s not working on the farm or writing for Kindersley Social, she loves diving into history and apologetics.