Kindersley Legion Hall Grand Opening

On October 22, the Kindersley Legion Hall is holding a grand opening to showcase its new renovations.

The celebration is the last major fundraising event for “2 long years of renovations,” according to David Burke of the Legion Hall.

The doors open at 7:00 p.m. and a pizza contest begins at 7:30. For $1, everyone can taste-test pizza from around town and choose their favourite. The establishment with the most amount of votes will present a gift card to one of the lucky people who voted for them.

The Legion will unveil the donor board, listing their supporters through the renovation process. “The biggest thing is to thank everybody … for their support,” said Burke. “Everybody can see the results,” he added later.

There will be a silent auction all night, with 40-50 items including a custom graphic fridge and a dinner for 10 people, sponsored by Eat-Your-Heart-Out Catering and the Synergy Credit Union. A live auction consisting of 14 items will begin at 9:00 p.m. All proceeds go toward finishing the Legion Hall’s renovations, contributing to the goal of $20,000.

Attendees must be of legal drinking age, with no exceptions allowed. Casual dress code is encouraged.

Image Source: Kindersley Social 

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By Rina Rast

Rina graduated from homeschool in 2016 and is a current undergraduate student. Her interests include science, photography, philosophy, and 20th century history. When not analyzing data, tackling term papers, or exploring the night sky through her telescope, she enjoys reading, writing, and walking her canine friends.