Kinsmen Park Rink Grand Reopening

After several months of diligent efforts, the Friends of Kinsman Park are planning a grand reopening of the Kinsman Park Rink to the public.

The plans to make this moment a reality started in the spring of last year. Fearing the loss of a community bonding place, the immediate residents banded together and fought to bring the rink back to life.  Several families and businesses in the community responded, volunteers sprung up and donated time, money, and materials to make their dream a realization.

“It was really awesome to see the community pull together,” said Elise Moss, an active member of Friends of Kinsman Park. “It really does take a community to make a community.”

With such extensive repairs, the Friends of Kinsman Park were in danger of running over budget, despite the support from volunteers and businesses.  The committee decided to approach the council and ask for a funds match. After some deliberation, the council agreed, and has been matching donations as they come in.

The Friends of Kinsmen Park have now turned their sights to the shack itself.  “This is perhaps the biggest job out of the whole project,” commented Moss, “It is going to take a lot of effort to complete the repairs.”

In an effort to raise awareness and community involvement, the committee has decided to throw a grand opening of the rink this Saturday. Marshmallow roasts, snowman kits, hot chocolate, hot dogs, and of course, skating, are some of the fun activities they have planned for the day.  All proceeds go towards the rebuilding of the shack.

Moss says she is already seeing the positive influence the rink will have on the community. “I am looking forward to more families bonding together to make a strong community here in Kindersley.”

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By Mallorie Rast

Born and raised in the Kindersley area, Mallorie has a deep appreciation for rural living and the importance of a community spirit. Farm girl to the core, she is passionate about training and working with stock dogs and sheep on the family ranch. When she’s not working on the farm or writing for Kindersley Social, she loves diving into history and apologetics.