Klippers Parents Week

By Rina Rast, Kindersley Social, November 4, 2016 

Last weekend was Parent’s Weekend for the Kindersley Klippers.

Players welcomed their parents and billet families to watch them play at the home games on Friday and Saturday night.


Overall, the event was a success, and assistant coach Blaine Formadas says that he enjoyed seeing the players being able to interact with their families.

Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers
Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers

The event ended with a player auction/elimination shoot-out. All of the Klippers, who were auctioned off to the highest bidder on Friday night, took part in the shoot-out. They took turns shooting on both goalies to narrow down to a single winner.

Josh Patrician was that winner, and Justen Close took the honors for the goaltending duo.

Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers
Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers
Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers
Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers
Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers
Image Courtesy of Kindersley Klippers


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