Local Musician Curtis Ehresman Inspires Others with His Music

After picking up a guitar at the age of 12, Curtis Ehresman’s passion for guitar, songwriting and performing has only continued to grow.

Over the years, he has played in two bands, the first Anaphora was a heavy rock cover band which he played in throughout high school until he started up another metal band Quetzalcoatl.

After the members of Quetzalcoatl parted ways, Ehresman decided to merge his love for metal with acoustic vibes and began writing and releasing acoustic music in 2016.

Soon after releasing this music, he moved to Australia and New Zealand where he spent much of his time songwriting, recording, and performing music in beachside hotels and along volcanic craters. After a whirlwind two years overseas, he recently decided to return to his roots and complete an Education degree at the University of Saskatchewan.

“I completed my Education degree and internship last month during this pandemic, and now my plan is to work as a teacher and begin releasing new music again,” says Ehresman.

Along with teaching and releasing new music, Ehresman plans to shoot music videos throughout this year, and potentially release another full-length album.

“My new song and music video entitled “Is It Over?” will officially release on all music streaming platforms on February 19th, 2021. The song is about my personal struggles with anxiety and expresses a sentiment many people may relate to during this challenging time we are enduring… Is It Over?

“Overall, my plans for the future are to continue growing my education career while sharing my music with the world.”

If you would like to hear Curtis’s new music please visit his website: www.curtwoodbearsman.com

Is It Over?

The words without an answer that we ask ourselves in times of anguish. Wishing, waiting, struggling… The song emanates from the heart and was a kindle of light during the darkest of nights. If music is healing, perhaps it will shine a light for someone else. 

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