Eston Firefighter Nick Hutchinson

Hi, my name is Nick Hutchinson and I am a firefighter with Eston and District fire Department. I have been a member of the fire department for over 6 years and proudly wear #15. I’m currently raising my own family in Eston and work as an Ag Tech Technician at O&S.

What inspired you to become a firefighter?

I was born and raised in Eston and felt like I grew up in the Eston fire hall as my dad was a fire fighter (also #15). As a kid I wanted to go to every call, not only because I thought the trucks were cool but I wanted help. Even to this day I love that I get to help people on their worst day.

What is your most memorable moment?

I believe my most memorable moment was the day I went down a manhole to save a man who had fallen to the bottom. We didn’t know what to expect on our way there or if H2S gas was an issue. I volunteered to go down with my SCBA on and found out manholes are not built big enough to fit a firefighter with all his gear. We worked as a team and was able to get my tank lowered down on a rope behind me. I was able to secure a rope around the patient and get myself back out. By the time I looked back my teammates had him pulled up out of the hole already. Stars was landed and our patient made a full recovery.

What are some challenges facing fire services today?

Since we are a volunteer department, I feel the biggest issue with the fire service is that it’s hard for everyone to make it to all the calls and training. Also, COVID has made life very difficult as we couldn’t get together as a large group to do training.

If anyone has any interest in the fire service, the best place to look is your local volunteer fire department!

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