Mother and daughter survive night in extreme temperatures after crash

A story of survival in southwestern Manitoba, as a mother and daughter injured in a car crash spent the night outside in frigid temperatures as they waited for help.

Sunday night in the area of Boissevain and Killarney, we’re told Kristen Hiebert and her four-year-old daughter Avery slid off the road and rolled down an embankment.

They huddled and waited for help, but no one stopped.

Environment Canada data shows temperatures dipped around -23°C overnight in the region and felt like -27 with the wind chill.

Four-year-old Avery was sent to hospital in Killarney. (Image Courtesy of CTV News)
Four-year-old Avery was sent to hospital in Killarney. (Image Courtesy of CTV News)

By morning, Kristen mustered up the strength to crawl to the road to flag down help.

STARS Air Ambulance was dispatched to the Dunrea, Manitoba area around 6 a.m. Monday.

According to a Go Fund Me page to help the family, “Mom and daughter have spent the night exposed to the elements, injured, dehydrated and traumatized.”

It says Kristen fought back extreme pain with broken arms, neck, ribs and leg.

Relatives told CTV News that emergency crews rushed Avery to hospital in Killarney, where she is in stable condition with no broken bones.

Kristen was airlifted to Winnipeg, where she is undergoing multiple surgeries.

Loved ones have started a Go Fund Me page to help with recovery costs. By Tuesday evening, The Kristen and Avery Recovery Fund had raised more than $10,390 of its goal, $15,000.

Script on the page calls Kristen Hiebert “a truly genuine hero who scaled an embankment to save her daughter.


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