Nine-year-old girl kept safe by her three dogs during night in bush east of Edmonton


By Claire Theobald, Postmedia News, April 28, 2016 

“I have no doubt that those dogs kept her safe,” says Sgt. Barry Larocque with the Elk Point RCMP.

A nine-year-old girl lost in the bush overnight returned home safe and sound thanks to the warmth and protection of her three pet dogs.

“When I started asking her about her night, she indicated that she was there with her three dogs, and that when she laid down all the dogs huddled around her and kept her warm,” said Sgt. Barry Larocque with the Elk Point RCMP, who called this a “heartwarming” end to what was a very scary situation.

“I have no doubt that those dogs kept her safe from maybe some animals that might have been in the area, in addition to laying down beside her, keeping her warm. It shows how dogs can be very loyal to their owners and companions.”

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