October 21st – 23rd: Local RCMP Daily Report

By Kindersley RCMP, October 24, 2016 

Kindersley, Eston, Kerrobert RCMP Daily Report

Friday October 21, 2016 6:00 a.m. – Sunday October 23th, 2016

RCMP responded to several calls over the weekend.


– Received a call from Medicine Hat Police Service advising they recovered a truck that was stolen from our area on August 29
– Theft under $5000 at Kerrobert
– Mischief at a rural location near Major


– Collision with deer near Eatonia, no injuries
– Female from Kerrobert charged with Fail to comply with a probation order
– False alarm call at Luseland (Police Chief from Luseland was away)
– Male found sleeping in a car in Kerrobert. Charged with fail to comply with a condition of undertaking
– 2 Speeding tickets issued on #7 Highway near Kindersley
– Break & Enter at a rural location near Major
– Complaint of 3 people running on the streets in Kindersley with clown masks on and approaching vehicles. 3 youth were located and dealt with.
– Complaint of vehicle driving around Luseland shining a spot light into oncoming vehicles


– Complaint of assault in Kindersley. Investigation revealed the complainant just wanted it reported and no charges.
– Driving at a speed greater than reasonable and safe ticket issued in Kindersley
– Liquor complaint call in Kindersley. Upon arrival, suspects had left the scene.
– Ticket issued in Kindersley for Disobey Stop Sign
– False alarm call in Kerrobert
– 911 Static Line in the Plenty area
– Complaint of a semi truck cutting off a vehicle in the Kindersley area.
– Complaint of a suspicious person in the Kindersley. Person took off when complainant came out of their house

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