Outdoor Pools, Splash Parks, and Day Camps Open as Phase 4.1 Begins Today

By Mallorie Rast

Today, children, youth, and adults are now able to enjoy outdoor pools, splash parks, day camps, and outdoor, low-contact sports across the province.

Day camps have also opened for children and youth in groups of 15 or less per facility or location within a facility. Day camp groups are not allowed to mingle, share facility space and/or equipment for any reason as community and gatherings of over 15 people indoors, and 30 outdoors is still not permitted.

Splash Parks, including Kindersley’s Spray Pad in Baker’s Park, and outdoor pools are also available for the public to enjoy. As with playgrounds, persons using the spray pad are still expected to self-screen for symptoms before heading outdoors and are to observe proper hand hygiene and physical distancing while using the playground equipment. Drinking water fountains will not be in operation, but washroom facilities will be open with increased cleaning and disinfecting schedules.

To maintain physical distancing, households and extended households are instructed to keep a distance of at least 2-meters from other households and avoid grouping around picnic benches, park entrances, and equipment. In addition to the 2-meter distancing, households are not to share equipment with those of a different household, and the overall group size on the playgrounds is not to exceed 30 persons.

While contact sports like football, rugby, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, and other sports, including body checking or tackle, are not permitted at this time, baseball, volleyball, basketball, and soccer are now able to catch up on lost time.

The Kindersley Stallions were quick to take advantage of the reopening and their first ball practice is scheduled for this evening. “We couldn’t be happier to get back out throwing,” Stallion pitcher and shortstop Blake Robertson says. “Getting back together with the team as a whole is going to be a blast.”

Kindersley Minor Ball has a significant job ahead of them as they wade through the mass of regulations and their implications for starting up another season. “At this point, we are still in the decision-making process,” President Chad Miller said this morning.

Kindersley Social will continue releasing updates as they occur.

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By Kindersley Social

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