Outdoor Rink Guidelines

The Town has posted current guidelines for outdoor rinks. They also wish to remind residents that the outdoor ice surfaces and their buildings are managed by volunteers, please respect the ice, the building and the equipment, and individuals using the space.

  • People experiencing any signs of illness are asked not to enter any Town of Kindersley recreation facilities.
  • People not from the same household must maintain two meters apart at all times. Limit gathering with other people when entering and leaving the area and supervising children.
  • Group sizes must comply with the outdoor public gathering restrictions in the public health order.
  • Ensure frequent hand hygiene for everyone before, during, and after outdoor play.
  • If rink surfaces or recreational areas are busy, please come back or use another area.
  • Do not share toys or sports equipment between household groups.

Most of all, have fun and be safe!

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