PM addresses the country following the Nova Scotia shooting

Photo Credit: AFP / tim krochak/ IB Times

Source: Rachel Aiello,, April 20, 2020

Eighteen people are dead, plus the shooter. However, police are warning the death toll could rise as the investigation continues.

OTTAWA — After more than a month of near-daily updates focused exclusively on Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s remarks on Monday focused on the pain being felt by Canadians after the tragic shooting in Nova Scotia, as MPs came together to deliberate the future of parliamentary sittings.

Trudeau made no novel coronavirus aid updates, instead speaking solely to the violent crime spree that unfolded over the weekend. His remarks come the same day a limited number of MPs from all parties returned to the House of Commons where the news of the East Coast crime spree made for a sombre mood and saw all sides offering their condolences.

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