Province Will Provide $275 Million to Support Municipalities

Premier Scott Moe recently announced that Saskatchewan municipalities will benefit from more than $275 million in 2021-22 under the Municipal Revenue Sharing Program.

“This unconditional provincial funding for municipalities provides local leaders the flexibility and adaptability to invest in their community’s current key priorities,” Moe said. “This stable and predictable source of revenue is more important than ever for communities as they meet the challenges of COVID-19.”

The annual provincial funding amount for this program is based on three quarters of one point of the provincial sales tax (PST) revenue collected from two years prior. Overall funding under the Municipal Revenue Sharing Program for 2021-22 represents an approximately 117 per cent increase from the 2007-08 provincial fiscal year.

From the total Municipal Revenue Sharing Program, $1.5 million will be invested in the Targeted Sector Support Initiative. The initiative supports municipal projects that advance priority areas, such as good governance, regional planning, and inter-community collaboration. The initiative is co-managed by the provincial government and municipal partners.

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