Sackville Family – Thank You

To our family, friends, the entire community of Kindersley and beyond ; we don’t know where to begin; has it really been 4 weeks ?

As many of you know our peaceful lives turned upside down recently after we lost our home to a massive fire. It has been a surreal time. We are thankful both families involved are safe, which is absolutely the most important part of the whole experience . We are trying to keep all the “what ifs” out of our mind .

We have to begin with a thank you to the firefighters and the police of our community and surrounding communities that responded to the fire on west road the night of April 22, 2016. We cannot thank you enough for your heroic efforts in keeping both families safe and for limiting the level of damage this fire could have caused to our entire neighborhood .

Never in a million years did we think we would be on the receiving end of so many generous donations including clothing, quilts , meals ,toys and so much more.

While we are devastated that the experience of the house fire will be etched as one if our children’s childhood memories , we are consoled by the fact that these incredible acts of kindness will likely be a much more vivid memory. It has been so important for our boys to see all the goodness in the world in the middle of such a frightening time of uncertainty.

The compassion and generosity that has Been shown to us started while the fire was still burning and continues each day. It has been overwhelming.  Friends brought us toothbrushes and clothing that very night when we hadn’t processed the fact that we didn’t have any belongings anymore.

We certainly have a long road ahead; but it is so comforting to know that we are not alone.  We are eternally grateful for everything the community has done for us.  It may be awhile before we get a chance to acknowledge friends, families, groups and business individually , but know that we have seen every text; listened to every voicemail; read each e mail ;and treasured each of the beautiful  cards that have been sent. We are truly humbled by it all.

What makes a house a home is the people inside and next year when we return to #27 West Road We will come back to our new home with not only our family, but also with the spirit of all of you that have helped us through this challenging time.

We will never forget the incredible support you have All given us. From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU.
Curtis , Kendra , Kale and Lane Sackville.

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