Saskatchewan skateboarder with wind at his back hits 50 km/h

Skateboarder J. D. Guignard was “winging” it in the middle of a Saskatchewan windstorm on Sunday — and it turned out to be a sweet ride.

Much of the southern part of the province was under a wind warning with gusts around 90 kilometres per hour or higher in many communities.

Guignard was at home in the hamlet of Palmer when he got the idea of riding the wind along a newly paved, and extremely flat, section of highway.

“I was just sitting in the living room watching the tumbleweed and everything else blow by and [said] ‘Let’s go for it, give it a shot.'”

Skateboarder J. D. Guignard opened up his sweater Sunday and let the 90 kilometre-an-hour wind do the work. (Dan Bowler/YouTube)
Skateboarder J. D. Guignard opened up his sweater Sunday and let the 90 kilometre-an-hour wind do the work. (Dan Bowler/YouTube)

Using a homemade skateboard — made from wood salvaged from an abandoned home — he opened up his shirt and sailed eastward like a bat, hitting a top speed of 50 kilometres per hour.

“I bet if I had a cape, it would have been even faster,” said Guignard, who is originally from Windsor, Ont.

Guignard, who likes to do skateboard stunts on video, proclaimed his experiment a success.
“It was sweet,” he said.

