Search dogs find no sign of missing Lac La Ronge, Sask. man

Canadian Search and Disaster Dogs Association says the search will resume in spring

The four canine specialists sent to Lac La Ronge, Sask., are heading home after not finding any signs of a missing man who may have fallen through the ice.

Billy Taylor, 36, was last seen on the evening of Dec. 17 leaving Lac La Ronge on his snowmobile.

The Canadian Search and Disaster Dogs Association went to Lac La Ronge, Sask. to help search for a missing man. (CASDDA/Facebook)
The Canadian Search and Disaster Dogs Association went to Lac La Ronge, Sask. to help search for a missing man. (CASDDA/Facebook)

The Canadian Search and Disaster Dogs Association (CASDDA) went to the northern community last Wednesday and searched through until Saturday.

“Unfortunately the missing person was not located. By the time we left the ice was over two [inches] thick in most of the search area and it was felt that nothing more could be done at this point,” CASDDA wrote on their Facebook page on Sunday afternoon.

“We thank all those involved in the search for a wonderful cooperation and wish courage to the family.”

CASDDA said the search will resume in the spring once the ice has melted.

CASDDA is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization which trains and deploys dogs and their handlers for search and rescue missions locally, nationally and internationally. (CASDDA/Facebook)
CASDDA is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization which trains and deploys dogs and their handlers for search and rescue missions locally, nationally and internationally. (CASDDA/Facebook)

CASDDA is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization which trains and deploys dogs and their handlers for search and rescue missions locally, nationally and internationally.


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