Small Business Week: Busted Barbell Athletic Club

BDC Small Business Week is a national celebration of Canadian entrepreneurs and their contribution to Canada’s economy. The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) has been organizing Small Business Week since 1979. It takes place every year during the third full week of October. We thought, what better way to celebrate then to chat with some of the wonderful small business owners from the area!

Why did you decide to start the Busted Barbell Brand?

Through my own experiences within the health and fitness industry grew a passion to continue to learn and help other people expand their knowledge and understanding to live a better, healthier life.

What are some of the perks and challenges that face small business owners in today’s landscape?

Today’s world for small businesses is a little unsettling. With pressure for stricter regulations across multiple types of businesses it is creating some distance and disconnect with our customers and clients. However, the beauty of community still seems to shine through as our local support is stronger than ever. Kindersley is so fortunate to have such a great supportive community to see all our small business succeed.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone hoping to start their own business, what would it be?

Go for it! Jump with both feet to dive deeper into your passion and why you love the business you are wanting to start.  Uncover the true reasons why you want to help serve or share the ideas, products or knowledge you find fascinating. Once you can answer you “why”, dream up how you can put your personal touch on it to really connect with your customers/ audience.

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