“Sometimes life hands you rare one of a kind moments”

Photographing nature does take some skill but most often it’s patience and a bit of luck.

I had heard of an albino Mule deer doe hanging out near town. I knew the herd and I knew the course they normally travelled. Being in the right place at the right time proved slightly more difficult. I tried for 2 days driving the back roads in hopes of spotting the herd.

On March 25th I went to the arena with my 13 yr old daughter to pick up our fruit from the annual fruit drive. Arms full we exited the building and there next to my van stood a small and beautiful white doe.

Those apples in my arms just about went flying. I could believe it! I think she must have heard I was looking to meet her so she came to introduce herself.

I watched to see the direction she was going to go before running home to grab my camera and wildlife lens that allows me to observe at a distance without disturbing the animals.

Image submitted by Jenny Hagan/Backroad Photography

I got a few images before she bedded down in the field the white and yellow straw pretty much camouflaging her other than the bunny like ears sticking up.

I figured if I waited there was a good chance she was going to get moving around sunset to rejoin the herd. Which was a 2 hour wait but with a mug of coffee and the company of my daughter it didn’t feel near as long. As the sunset she walked directly towards where I was parked and managed to get a couple more images up close with the beautiful light in behind before she wandered off to join the rest of the herd

Image submitted by Jenny Hagan/Backroad Photography
Image submitted by Jenny Hagan/Backroad Photography

The doe originally thought to be albino is not a true albino as she had the black hooves and nose which mean she more than likely has luecism a recessive genetic disorder that effects about 1% of the deer population. So seeing these beautiful animals is rare and a very special sight to see. So capturing those images and being able to share those  with people who may not be able to see something like that in their lifetime is amazing.

Image submitted by Jenny Hagan/Backroad Photography

In the week since sharing the original post the images have been viewed and shared by people all across Canada which has allowed me to hear stories of other people’s experiences encountering such animals and what these animal mean to them and their culture. This is my favourite part of sharing my amazing experiences with all.

See more by Jenny on her page HERE

Check out her photography services HERE

Feature Image: Submitted by Jenny Hagan/Backroad Photography and Print 

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By Jenny Hagan

Jenny Hagan is an Artist/Photographer/Crafter/Storm Chaser. Follow Jenny as she lets you in on her many adventures, photography, talents and much more!