Sonshine Kennels: Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Welcome to Saskatchewan winter-blustery days with snow and wind and frigid temperatures.

Everyone needs a warm place to curl up just like this picture of Maggie by the fireplace. Critically important that your pet-dog-cat-rabbit has a safe, warm place to spend their winter days.

Having a fur coat does not guarantee that they can survive harsh weather. Make sure their water dishes don’t get frozen over too so they don’t get dehydrated. Out of the wind-lots of blankets and food- can easily be provided.

Do not leave your dog outside while you are gone for work or other reasons. What if you get delayed and they suffer. It is no joke to be a “pupsicle”.

Just a word to the wise from Sonshine Kennels-The Kennel That Cares

Book now for February break-spots are filling up 463-3361



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