Storms of 2016


It was a crazy busy summer for me.  Well summer always is.  For the past couple years storm season was sorta lagging.  Well this summer sure made up for that.  It was a season of vey active skies.  Which I both loved and hated.  There was tons of photography opportunities but had a hard time catching up on pictures as there was not a lot of down time.
In a couple weeks I’m headed to Edmonton for the Canadian Chaser Conference.  It’s a conference with amazing keynote speakers and lots of learning opportunities as well as a great networking event.  It is something hosted in the states every year, but last year Canada started hosting its own.  I’m so excited to attend this year as I missed last years in Regina.   So here is a recap of my amazing stormy summer with a few highlight days, and some of my favourite photographs from this years storms.

June 8th - Near Eatonia Sk -Severe Warned
June 8th – Near Eatonia Sk -Severe Warned
June 28th - near Eatonia Sk - Severe Warned
June 28th – near Eatonia Sk – Severe Warned
June 28th – near Eatonia Sk – Severe Warned

July 3rd This one was one of my favourites for the season.  This is the storm that caused hail and wind damage in Kindersley.  I went out just for some lightning as the big storms were supposed to stay North.  Well just as I made it out North of Eatonia a cell from the North and a Cell from the South merged and turned into this amazing shelf cloud.  I chased the storm from North of Eatonia to Eston. In it hid baseball size hail and heavy winds.  The sky afterward was absolutely spectacular when it turned this amazing pink and red, with mammatus clouds (bubble clouds)

July 3rd – Near Eatonia Sk
July 3rd - Near Eatonia Sk
July 3rd – Near Eatonia Sk
July 3rd - Near Eston Sk
July 3rd – Near Eston Sk
July 3rd - Near Eston Sk
July 3rd – Near Eston Sk
July 3rd - Eston Sk
July 3rd – Eston Sk
July 3rd - Near Glidden Sk
July 3rd – Near Glidden Sk

July 15th  Near Lethbridge AB.  Chased with fellow chaser Kyle Fowler and CTV Lethbridge.  These were Tornado warned storms most of the day.  It dropped heavy hail.  This is another one of my favourites for the season.  Such amazing skies! It was a lot of fun having the news crew along as well. The highlight video of the full chase can be seen here

July 15th - Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th – Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th - Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th – Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th - Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th – Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th - Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th – Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th - Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th – Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th - Near Lethbridge AB
July 15th – Near Lethbridge AB


July 18th - Near Eatonia Sk
July 18th – Near Eatonia Sk
July 18th - Near Eatonia Sk
July 18th – Near Eatonia Sk
July 30th - Near Val Marie, and Cabri Sk
July 30th – Near Val Marie, and Cabri Sk
July 30th - Cabri Sk
July 30th – Cabri Sk
August 3rd - Maple Creek Sk
August 3rd – Maple Creek Sk
August 7th - Maple Creek Sk
August 7th – Maple Creek Sk
August 9th - Near Maple Creek Sk
August 9th – Near Maple Creek Sk
August 9th Near Maple Creek Sk
August 9th Near Maple Creek Sk
August 10th near Leader Sk
August 10th near Leader Sk
August 10th near Leader Sk
August 10th near Leader Sk
August 10th near Leader Sk
August 10th near Leader Sk
August 30th Near Alsask
August 30th Near Alsask
August 30th - Near Alsask
August 30th – Near Alsask

Read more by Jenny HERE


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By Jenny Hagan

Jenny Hagan is an Artist/Photographer/Crafter/Storm Chaser. Follow Jenny as she lets you in on her many adventures, photography, talents and much more!