Super Moon!


This is a night I’m excited for! There is going to be a wonderful SUPER MOON. Since photography is all about sharing the beauty in this world I want to see your pictures of this wonderful event as well. I’ll post a thread and I want you to share your own picture of the moon from where ever you are. Or hashtag #BRPhotoSuperMoon I will post a new cover photo featuring all of the photos sent in. So pull out your camera or cell phone and snap away!

Why is this event exciting? The moon will be closest to Earth it’s been since 1948 and we won’t see it again until 2034!!! The moon will appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a normal full moon.

How to photograph it? The best viewing is just as the moon is rising. Most of you have cell phones so you can pull that out and snap a picture. For those of you who want to use their cameras here is a baseline to start. You want your camera in manual mode and on manual focus. Set your shutter speed to 1/125-1/500. Set your ISO to 100-200. And set your aperture to f8-f11. Keep in mind these are base numbers and may need to be adjusted a bit. Using a tripod will give you the best results. Adjust focus until the moon looks clear and crisp and snap away!

I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone’s photo’s!

Read more by Jenny HERE

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By Jenny Hagan

Jenny Hagan is an Artist/Photographer/Crafter/Storm Chaser. Follow Jenny as she lets you in on her many adventures, photography, talents and much more!