Grumpy Pants & the 100th Meridian

July 8th – 100th Meridian I had a grumpy morning. Some of my stuff was stolen from the campground last night. And some punk messed with my bike during the night. They clearly know nothing about bikes. But that didn’t stop them from loosening my back pannier rack. Luckily they were thwarted by their own… Continue reading Grumpy Pants & the 100th Meridian

Cycler Passes Through Kindersley on Cross Canada Journey

Greg Andres is Cycling Across Canada This Summer Traveling bicyclists can be a common sight in the summer months, but for a cyclist who passed through Kindersley, this was more than your average summer jaunt. Three weeks ago on June 5th, Andres dipped his bicycle wheels in the Pacific ocean and started an adventure of… Continue reading Cycler Passes Through Kindersley on Cross Canada Journey

It begins…

I’ve had a few it-just-hit-me-what-I’m-doing moments this past week. Unsurprisingly the biggest ones have happened today. Like when I collected all of my gear on the sidewalk in front of my apartment building this morning. Although delayed, the flight to Vancouver was smooth and uneventful. I’m cycling across Canada…which is incredibly dangerous…and the thing I… Continue reading It begins…