Visiting a Vet During COVID

Many of us have been putting off health and wellness appointments due to COVID-19, and a visit to the vet is no exception. While most veterinary offices across the country are now open for regular checkups and non-emergency care, some of us remain cautious about visiting – potentially jeopardizing our pet’s health. “Most veterinary offices… Continue reading Visiting a Vet During COVID

Safety During Calving Season

Calving season is on the horizon for many Saskatchewan producers. The to-do list is always long and includes organizing supplies, facilities, rations, vet visits and more. It’s hard work – the hours are long and fatigue is common. In busy times, it’s easy to de-prioritize a crucial part of farm management: safety. Every year, there… Continue reading Safety During Calving Season

Calving trauma called production risk

Source: Barbara Duckworth,, January 30, 2020  Cattle producers can improve calf health and survivability by decreasing the negative effects of a difficult calving New beginnings and hope start with each calving season but sometimes things can go awry. About five percent of calves are assisted at birth and about four percent are either born… Continue reading Calving trauma called production risk

Bitter cold snap creating calving concerns for Sask. ranchers

Source: Meaghan Craig, Global News, April 6, 2018  The unseasonable spring cold snap is raising calving concerns with ranchers. We are at the mercy of mother nature and it appears she’s not done unleashing blasts of wintry weather. On Friday, 14 locations in Saskatchewan broke coldweather records and more are expected to be broken over the weekend.… Continue reading Bitter cold snap creating calving concerns for Sask. ranchers

Colostrum For Beef Calves

Once again calving season is upon us. Did you know newborn calves do not have a fully developed immune system when they are born? Colostrum intake for newborns, therefore, is critical. Colostrum is the first milk available to a newborn calf; it is rich in proteins and antibodies. The main antibody in colostrum is called immunoglobulin… Continue reading Colostrum For Beef Calves

Cow condition key element to calving

Source: Barbara Duckworth,, February 8, 2018  Poor nutrition, reproductive tract infections and bull performance can be linked to conception failure A cow’s overall condition affects its ability to become pregnant and deliver a healthy calf. “The bottom line is we need to get our cows cycling at the start of the breeding season and… Continue reading Cow condition key element to calving

Calving on grass less stress

By Ron Lyseng, The Western Producer, September 22, 2016  Dale Hicks was tired of pulling calves in blizzards, getting stomped by cows, hauling calf sleds in the mud in the middle of the night and losing sleep. “When you’re calving in the corral in February or March and the cows are in close quarters, all… Continue reading Calving on grass less stress

Studies show late day feeding may encourage more daylight calving

By John Camsbell, The Western Producer, April 21, 2016  Studies show a significant increase in cows giving birth during the day if fed in the early evening instead of the morning More than two-thirds of calf deaths occur within the first 96 hours of life. At least two-thirds of these mortalities can be attributable to… Continue reading Studies show late day feeding may encourage more daylight calving