Canada can easily meet China's demand for clean canola

By  Francois Biber, CBC News, August 31, 2016  Canada already exports wheat with 0.5% dockage, can do the same with canola, Larry Weber says Canada relies heavily on its trade relationship with China, and China knows it. That’s why it’s no surprise the country of 1.4 billion is strong-arming Canadian canola producers into tightening up the… Continue reading Canada can easily meet China's demand for clean canola

Canola dispute looms over Canadian PM's visit to China

By CBC News, August 26, 2016  Canada currently exports about 4 million tonnes of canola seed to China A long-standing dispute involving Canadian canola exports to China threatens to overshadow Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s trip to the economic superpower that begins next week. Canada says it wants the canola issue settled before relations between the two countries can… Continue reading Canola dispute looms over Canadian PM's visit to China

Canadian farmers to reap less canola, surprising trade

By Reuters News Service, The Western Producer, August 23, 2016  Statscan pegged the all-wheat crop at 30.5 million tonnes , which is the second-largest harvest in 25 years and up 10.5 percent from last year Canadian farmers are set to harvest slightly less canola, surprising traders, but more wheat, according to Statistics Canada’s first production report… Continue reading Canadian farmers to reap less canola, surprising trade

Richardson cranking up canola crush, throughput at Lethbridge

By Ag Canada Staff,, August 17, 2016  Expansion plans finalized, underway at crush plant Agrifood firm Richardson International plans to put up $120 million to dial up the processing capacity of its canola crushing plant in southern Alberta by over 55 per cent. Privately-held, Winnipeg-based Richardson said Wednesday the new upgrades at its Lethbridge plant are… Continue reading Richardson cranking up canola crush, throughput at Lethbridge

‘Big 5’ threaten canola

By Barb Glen, The Western Producer, August 11, 2016  There are 10 to 15 diseases that can affect canola, says crop pathologist Ron Howard. There are also non-disease threats and environmental factors that can cause symptoms in canola that mimic disease. “Don’t jump to conclusions,” Howard told a July 28 Lethbridge plot tour organized by… Continue reading ‘Big 5’ threaten canola

Oilseeds firm slightly but wheat loses previous gains

By D’Arce McMillan, Reuters News Agency, Jul. 26th, 2016  Short covering and a new bit of weather risk premium caused nearby soybeans to rise one percent Tuesday and canola hitched a ride. November canola closed up $3.20 a tonne of 0.72 percent. Generally good weather in Western Canada kept a lid on gains. There is little chance… Continue reading Oilseeds firm slightly but wheat loses previous gains

Crop futures up, but canola continues soft

By Ed White, The Western Producer, July 18, 2016  Crop futures were up across the board Monday, but canola continued its weak performance, lagging the rest of the market. Cereal grain contracts were all up by more than one percent, but soybeans only gained about half as much and canola was weaker than soy products.… Continue reading Crop futures up, but canola continues soft