Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan Make $9.8 Million Investment Into Crop Research

On January 12th, 2021 Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Saskatchewan’s Premier Scott Moe announced $9.8 million in funding for 39 crop-related research projects through Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF). “Despite challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada’s crop sector has continued to work hard to ensure Canadians and families around the… Continue reading Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan Make $9.8 Million Investment Into Crop Research

Saskatchewan Clubroot Distribution Map

Recently, the Government of Saskatchewan and SaskCanola released the 2020 Saskatchewan Clubroot Distribution Map, which outlines the rural municipalities (RMs) where clubroot has been identified. Clubroot is a declared pest under Saskatchewan’s Pest Control Act. Visible clubroot symptoms have been confirmed in 75 commercial canola fields since 2017. This has increased by 24 fields since… Continue reading Saskatchewan Clubroot Distribution Map

Biosecurity for Preventing the Introduction of Crop Pests

Biosecurity is a series of management practices designed to prevent, minimize or control the introduction and spread of plant pests, including diseases, weeds and insects. Biosecurity is widely used in the livestock industry, but is still a relatively new concept in the grains and oilseeds industry. These practices have particular value in preventing the introduction… Continue reading Biosecurity for Preventing the Introduction of Crop Pests

The Role of Agronomists in Preventing and Managing Clubroot

Photo Credit: Canola Digest

By Miranda Burski, Communications Consultant The effort to prevent and manage clubroot in canola can’t be taken on by a single entity. There’s a role for everyone to play, regardless of their role in the agriculture industry. Chelsie Will, a farmer and agronomist with Grow Rite Ag Consulting, sees both of her roles as very… Continue reading The Role of Agronomists in Preventing and Managing Clubroot

Time to get tough with rotations?

Source: Robert Arnason, MarketsFarm,, January 17, 2019  Ian Boxall says it’s time for producers and the canola industry to do something about clubroot. “Clubroot could be the biggest thing to happen in Saskatchewan. Loss of an industry? I don’t know what the word is,” said Boxall, who farms near Tisdale, Sask. Clubroot, a soil… Continue reading Time to get tough with rotations?

Fourteen RMs have clubroot

Source: Brian Cross,, January 18, 2019  A yield-robbing canola disease that has some prairie farmers on edge has now been confirmed in 14 rural municipalities in Saskatchewan. On Jan. 9, the government of Saskatchewan confirmed that visible symptoms of clubroot were detected in 43 commercial canola fields last fall. Based on cumulative testing between… Continue reading Fourteen RMs have clubroot

Clubroot threat hangs over Sask. farmers

Source: Karen Briere,, December 13, 2018  Agricultural Producers Association of Sask. delegates examine ways to fight the disease as it spreads into their province Saskatchewan farmers are watching the spread of clubroot with alarm. The release of the province’s distribution map early next year will only confirm what many already know: the canola disease… Continue reading Clubroot threat hangs over Sask. farmers

ew findings of clubroot in Saskatchewan: What are the next steps?

Source: Barb Ziesman,, November, 2018  Clubroot of canola has been the focus of many discussions over that last year, in response to confirmation of the disease in commercial canola fields in 2017. To date, visible symptoms of clubroot have been confirmed in 37 canola fields. These fields include those identified through the Ministry-led clubroot survey,… Continue reading ew findings of clubroot in Saskatchewan: What are the next steps?

Clubroot Is Now A Prairie-wide Problem

Source: Annemarie Pedersen,, October 15, 2018 – Sponsored by Pioneer Genetic variations are making hybrid selection, rotations even more important Last year, Doug Moisey, Pioneer Hi-Bred Agronomist with Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont watched with concern as clubroot was showing up in northwestern Saskatchewan and the Peace country, areas far removed from ground zero… Continue reading Clubroot Is Now A Prairie-wide Problem

Canola: Not the Only Clubroot Host

When thinking about proactively managing clubroot, crop rotation is the most effective tool available. Having at least a three-year rotation between susceptible crops will help decrease the clubroot spore levels in that field. Susceptible crops also include mustard and camelina as well as some vegetable crops. Along with crop rotation, it is also important to… Continue reading Canola: Not the Only Clubroot Host