Blue Screen of Death meets cybercrime – true or false?

By Paul Duckin, Naked Security, April 19, 2016  Over the past week or so, an intriguing story has appeared around and about the web. It falls short of a meme, but sits higher than a rumour, and it’s attracted attention because it deals with an increasingly-endangered event: a BSoD. BSoD, of course, stands for Blue… Continue reading Blue Screen of Death meets cybercrime – true or false?

Ransomware alert issued by US and Canada following recent attacks

Every week seems to bring news of another case of ransomware. It’s nasty stuff. Nasty enough that the US and Canada on Thursday issued a rare joint cyber alert warning about the recent surge in ransomware attacks, in which data is encrypted and crooks demand payment for it to be unlocked. The plague doesn’t appear to… Continue reading Ransomware alert issued by US and Canada following recent attacks

An iCloud scam that may be worse than ransomware

Ransomware – malicious software that encrypts your files and then demands payment to unlock them – has become a major scourge of the Windows world. Mac users just had their first brush with such threats last week, with the appearance of the KeRanger ransomware. However, shortly before KeRanger, I encountered a ransomware event in the Mac… Continue reading An iCloud scam that may be worse than ransomware

Beware of Computer Scam

Computer Scam Happening in Our Area Members of the Eston and Kindersley RCMP would like to inform the public of a computer scam happening in our area. The people that are effected are owners of Apple products. Victims will be contacted with a message on their Apple product saying that their device has been compromised and for… Continue reading Beware of Computer Scam