Manitoba Grain Farmers See Surge in Prices

Source: Skylar Peters,, January 18, 2020 Wheat and corn are seeing a huge resurgence. While nearly all Manitobans are hoping for a more positive 2021 than the year we just left behind, that dream has quickly become reality for the province’s grain farmers. Prices for their crops have skyrocketed over the past few weeks,… Continue reading Manitoba Grain Farmers See Surge in Prices

Prioritize Management When Grazing Corn

By Dwayne Summach, PAg, Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist, Kindersley Grazing standing corn is an extensive winter feeding practice that works in western Canada. While discussions often focus on the input cost of growing a corn crop and which variety to use, the success of corn grazing is based on the dry matter produced. Managing… Continue reading Prioritize Management When Grazing Corn

WASDE paints a bearish crop picture for the coming year

Source: Michael Raine,, January 12, 2018  It all adds up to too much. Canola, wheat, corn, soybeans, there is more than expected by the grain trade and that isn’t for good prices. The U.S. corn crop was big in 2017-18, but now that the tallies are in, it was bigger. Today’s USDA World Agricultural Supply and… Continue reading WASDE paints a bearish crop picture for the coming year

Corn is high energy feed but costly to grow

Source:  Barbara Duckworth, The Western Producer, November 2, 2017  Putting cattle out to graze standing corn is becoming more common on the Prairies. New hybrid corn varieties that require less heat have offered more alternatives for winter grazing. It is a high energy, nutritious feed with respectable yield potential that maintains quality through the winter. Research… Continue reading Corn is high energy feed but costly to grow