Town of Kerrobert Confirms Animal Sighting Within Town Was Not Cougar

No Cougar Within Town Limits, Confirms Conservation Officer Earlier this week there were sightings of what was thought to be a cougar in the residential area of Kerrobert. Yesterday on Facebook the Town of Kerrobert announced that after speaking with the Conservation Officer in the area, it was confirmed that the animal sighting was not… Continue reading Town of Kerrobert Confirms Animal Sighting Within Town Was Not Cougar

Mom who pried cougar’s jaws off son shares chilling story

Source: Jeff Lawrence, CTV News, April 2, 2019  A mother who went toe-to-toe with a cougar that attacked her son on a rural Vancouver Island property is calling it a miracle she could fight off the big cat. On Friday, Chelsea Lockhart’s seven-year-old son Zachery was playing in the family’s Lake Cowichan backyard after school… Continue reading Mom who pried cougar’s jaws off son shares chilling story

B.C. woman confronts cougar: ‘Make yourself look as big as possible’

Source: CTV News, February 25, 2019  A B.C. woman showed quick thinking and courage in fending off a cougar attack while out walking her dog. Conservation agents say the woman did exactly what she should have done and her actions likely saved her dog’s life. The woman came upon the wild cat on Saturday night… Continue reading B.C. woman confronts cougar: ‘Make yourself look as big as possible’

‘There are cougars around:’ Washington attack a stark reminder for Alberta family

Source: Colette Derworiz The Canadian Press, May 28, 2018  “Two people couldn’t defend themselves against a hungry, thin cougar — that’s how strong they are.” When Laura Frost first read about a person being killed by a cougar recently in Washington state, she was immediately reminded that the big cats can be anywhere. “We need to… Continue reading ‘There are cougars around:’ Washington attack a stark reminder for Alberta family

Close encounter with ‘a monster tom cougar’: Vancouver Island man captures incredible video

Source: Simon Little, Global News, March 4, 2018  A Vancouver Island man recorded an unnerving encounter with a cougar. “So I just found a shed antler, and there’s a monster, monster tom at 20 metres looking at me. A monster tom cougar. And no, I don’t have a gun. I have nothing. And he is… Continue reading Close encounter with ‘a monster tom cougar’: Vancouver Island man captures incredible video