Grow a Pumpkin Contest 2020 is Expanding

Now is the time start planning what you would like to grow for the Fall “Grow a Pumpkin” Contest. Pumpkins not your thing? Then why not try a squash or maybe cucumbers instead, because this year the options for growing are expanding! The Kindersley Culture Committee and Puddles in my Garden Garden Centre hope to… Continue reading Grow a Pumpkin Contest 2020 is Expanding

Why Culture and Heritage are Vital to Community

There will always be change as we move into the future – as Heraclitus, an ancient philosopher, was prone to say. At the same time, fragrance lingers, memory recalls and our DNA carries on over the centuries. This is what is popularly known as culture and heritage. There is a past part of this town… Continue reading Why Culture and Heritage are Vital to Community

“A little bit of Culture…” One mom’s dream, community teamwork, brings Montreal Quartet

Little did Jeanette Jackson know that a hum-drum trip to Saskatoon and last-minute concert attendance would still affect her and her community one year later. The Kindersley area homeschool mom of two is always looking for ways to inspire and educate her children, so when, last February, she saw posters advertising a recorder quartet from… Continue reading “A little bit of Culture…” One mom’s dream, community teamwork, brings Montreal Quartet

Town of Kindersley: Nominations Open for Volunteer Recognition Program

Source: Town of Kindersley,, January 8, 2018 Rivers West District for Sport, Culture, and Recreation is inviting nominations for volunteers, facilities, events, and organizations that have made an incredible impact on their communities. The Rivers West District Volunteer Recognition Program is an annual initiative that recognizes those who make our communities better throughout west central Saskatchewan.… Continue reading Town of Kindersley: Nominations Open for Volunteer Recognition Program

What kind of society do you want to live in?

Just the other day I was reminded, once again, why I love the innocence of children. Standing in line at a check-out, a pre-schooler was in line ahead of me with her mother. The youngster looked at me and smiled. When she continued smiling for a full minute I decided to say hello. Immediately she replied… Continue reading What kind of society do you want to live in?

What sustains us

Hope is a four letter word we all need. We have faith to believe that tomorrow will come.  That hope keeps us from despair in terms of the faithfulness of God and the belief that the next step we take has meaning. These are great thoughts, and I love philosophizing and theologizing. I also live… Continue reading What sustains us

Culture Plan: Service Club Forum

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016 Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM Location: Kindersley Elks Hall, 904 9th Avenue W, Kindersley, SK Details:  An open discussion event for members of local Service Clubs (eg. Elks, Legion). This session will focus on the successes, challenges and visions for the future of the sector. See more details here