Saskatchewan Farms Balance Sheet and Working Capital

By Shankar Das, Regional Farm Business Management Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture In 2017, the west region of the province, particularly the south-west region, experienced severe dry conditions that affected crop yields, water quality, feed supplies and contributed to the worst wildfires we have seen in years. The producers and ranchers are getting ready for another season… Continue reading Saskatchewan Farms Balance Sheet and Working Capital

Management, Marketing and Differentiation

Agricultural producers are often too busy working in their business to work on their business. Taking the time to identify your operations strengths and weaknesses is much easier when there is a format to follow and real comparisons to be made. The second Western Canada Cow-Calf Survey (WCCCS II) is currently being conducted by the… Continue reading Management, Marketing and Differentiation

Renewable energy can offer multiple benefits to farms.

Source: Shankar Das, Regional Farm Business Management Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Renewable energy (RE), such as solar and/or wind energy, could offer multiple benefits to farms. From an economic perspective, RE can reduce cost of operation on farms. For example, a simple 10-15 kW capacity solar photovoltaic (PV) system (consisting of solar panels, an inverter and… Continue reading Renewable energy can offer multiple benefits to farms.

Growing Forward funding to improve farm business management skills

By Shankar Das, Regional Farm Business Management Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Growing Forward Growing Forward 2 is a Federal-Provincial initiative for the period 2013-2018 to support many agriculture and agri-food programs including the Farm Business Development Initiative (FBDI) which, for the last three years, has been available to producers, ranchers and agribusiness of this province and… Continue reading Growing Forward funding to improve farm business management skills

Habits of Top Performers

By Amanda Richmond, Farm Business Management Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Kindersley Did you know that management plays an important role in financial success? A study was conducted by Ipsos, a global independent market research company, to determine the degree to which farm business management practices are direct drivers of farm financial success. The results of the study… Continue reading Habits of Top Performers

LIVESTOCK-Cash price outlook extends CME live cattle futures losses

By Reuters News Service, May 24, 2016  CHICAGO, May 24 (Reuters) – Chicago Mercantile Exchange live cattle futures slumped for a second straight session on Tuesday, pressured by follow-through selling and potentially softer cash prices later this week, traders said. June live cattle closed down 0.150 cent per lb at 118.000 cents, and August ended… Continue reading LIVESTOCK-Cash price outlook extends CME live cattle futures losses

Pasture Lease Agreements Provide Security

By Kari Burnett, PAg, Regional Farm Business Management Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Swift Current Leasing private pasture land is a common arrangement in Saskatchewan. Leasing private pasture land is a common arrangement in Saskatchewan.  A detailed written lease agreement provides a legal document that sets out the terms of contract between the landlord and the tenant.… Continue reading Pasture Lease Agreements Provide Security

The Importance of Compensation and Benefits

By Amanda Richmond, Farm Business Management Specialist, Kindersley When deciding what to compensate employees, it’s important to develop a consistent and fair approach that helps attract and retain the right people for your business. It is important for employees to perceive that their compensation is fair in relation to their co-workers and industry standards. It… Continue reading The Importance of Compensation and Benefits