Fitness Has Gone to the Dogs

By Brendan Rolfe, Have fun working out with your canine pal Summer’s sticky heat can tempt us all to laze around. It’s easier to motivate yourself with a workout partner—and what about that furry, slobbery one thumping his tail against the door? Breaking a sweat with your canine will strengthen your bond and your… Continue reading Fitness Has Gone to the Dogs

Shane Sawatzky: Why I love Teaching CrossFit

I love teaching CrossFit.  It is for anyone who would like to improve themselves.  It can be adapted to anyone’s ability, so as an instructor, I can help everyone reach their individual goals.  You may wish to lose weight, improve your sport, or just have more energy for your kids. Who wouldn’t want to be… Continue reading Shane Sawatzky: Why I love Teaching CrossFit

Saskatoon duo's FitCoins rewards exercise, reduces screen time

Source: CTV Saskatoon, March 24, 2016  A new fitness system created by Saskatoon software developers is aiming to cut down on screen time. FitCoins, founded by Dustin Gamester and Andrew Crouse, is a program designed to keep kids — and adults — active by balancing screen time with exercise. “The problem is it’s so much… Continue reading Saskatoon duo's FitCoins rewards exercise, reduces screen time

Row Yourself Fit

Source: Michael Carrera,  Row Your Boat Whether rowing a boat merrily down the stream or pulling the oars at the local fitness centre, rowers engage in one of the best exercises around for aerobic conditioning and for increasing strength and flexibility. Unlike cycling, stair climbing, and treadmill walking, rowing provides a full-body workout by… Continue reading Row Yourself Fit

Special Olympics Kindersley & District

Program Overview The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other… Continue reading Special Olympics Kindersley & District

Country's strongest in Regina for powerlifting Canadian championships

Over 380 powerlifters from across Canada competing for top spot Some of Canada’s strongest men and women are gathering in Regina this week for the 2016 Canadian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships. It’s the largest Canadian Powerlifting Union event ever. “We are going to see the strongest male and female athletes competing for the crown… Continue reading Country's strongest in Regina for powerlifting Canadian championships

7 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Health Resolutions

Health Resolutions A new year means a new you… for the next six weeks at least (or less, if your willpower lacks). If only New Year’s resolutions were as easy to keep are they are to make, we’d all be buff with beachin’ bods year-long. But then, of course, some delightfully evil-minded person crafted desserts… Continue reading 7 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Health Resolutions

Knee Strengthening Exercises

There’’s no need to be in pain Runner’s Knee. Arthritis. Bursitis. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to be affected by knee pain. Although debilitating, certain exercise techniques can provide welcome relief from this common complaint. Learn more about injury prevention and treatment to keep your most precious joints moving smoothly. Forget the… Continue reading Knee Strengthening Exercises

Walking Track

WALKING TRACK INFORMATION The track surface was completed in November 2012 through the generous contributions of several local donors. The professional quality track consists of a 9 mm recycled rubber base with an additional 2 mm of protective coating, and three painted track lanes. Currently the track is free to use. LOCATION: Kindersley’s indoor walking track… Continue reading Walking Track

My CrossFit Journey

I’m the kind of person who has a passion for physical activity and wellness. I love trying new activities and challenging myself to new adventures – variety is key! And that’s exactly what got me hooked on CrossFit: there’s always something new to learn, always something to improve upon—which is a long way of saying, it’s never… Continue reading My CrossFit Journey