Remember – you’re Canadian!

How do you describe Canadians? The following jokes might help you out. Why did the Canadian cross the road? He saw some American do it on TV. How many Canadians does it take to change a light bulb? None. They don’t change light bulbs, they accept them the way they are. A Canadian called the… Continue reading Remember – you’re Canadian!

UN expert says most of world lacks real religious freedom

Source: Edith M. Lederer, The Associated Press, October 24, 2017  Three-quarters of the world’s people live in countries that either restrict the right to religion or belief or have “a high level of social hostility involving religion or belief,” the UN special investigator on religious rights said Tuesday. Ahmed Shaheed told the General Assembly’s human rights… Continue reading UN expert says most of world lacks real religious freedom

Joshua Boyle’s father says freed family adjusting to life at home

Source: CTV News, October 15, 2017  Freed Canadian hostage Joshua Boyle and his father say the family is improving after years spent in captivity in Afghanistan. The traumatized family arrived in Toronto on Friday, five years after Boyle and his American wife, Caitlan Coleman, were abducted by the Taliban-linked Haqqani network. The couple and their… Continue reading Joshua Boyle’s father says freed family adjusting to life at home

Introducing the truth taste test

Check it Out If you find yourself getting hot around the collar while discussing political information you’ve heard from the media, you could reduce your blood pressure by doing your own investigating. Veteran journalist and Emmy Award winner Sharyl Attkisson advises media consumers not to believe everything they hear and see, because the story could… Continue reading Introducing the truth taste test

Canada: Home of hockey, health care and helpful people

A passenger on an international flight related the story of the captain making an announcement as they were about to land. The announcement went something like, “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We will be landing in about twenty minutes and … OH MY GOD!!” and the mic suddenly went dead. The passengers were completely silent. A… Continue reading Canada: Home of hockey, health care and helpful people

Listen for What’s Not Being Said

Check it Out A school bus driver stopped to drop off a kindergarten student. The little boy saw his grandmother waiting for him, but the bus driver wanted to make sure the woman was a family member. “Is that really your grandmother?” he asked. “Yes, she visits every Christmas.” the boy replied. “Very good,” said… Continue reading Listen for What’s Not Being Said

Timing is everything….

As Canadians, we certainly cannot afford to take our freedoms for granted. Neither can we afford to indulge in complacency, apathy and complete dependence on the government. Though government makes decisions, we, the people need to continually exercise our right to have a voice that is heard, because, as Pierre Trudeau once said, “The essential… Continue reading Timing is everything….