Sask. seeding hits snag

By Robin Booker, The Western Producer, May 20, 2016  Southwestern and south-central areas were hit by hard frost, damaging early emerging crops The growing season got off to a good start for many Saskatchewan producers, with warm April temperatures followed by significant rain on early seeded crops. However, a hard frost on emerging crops across… Continue reading Sask. seeding hits snag

Prolonged frost damages Prairie crops

By Robin Booker, The Western Producer, May 13, 2016  The growing season got off to a great start for many Saskatchewan producers, with warm April temperatures followed by significant rain on early seeded crops. However, a hard frost on emerging crops across southern and central Saskatchewan has dealt a major setback for some growers. Rosetown… Continue reading Prolonged frost damages Prairie crops

Canola To Get Early Test As Prairies Brace For Frost

By Commodity News Service Canada, May 9, 2016  “Definitely’ it’s a threat,” WINNIPEG, May 9 (CNS) – Overnight lows of -2 or -3 degrees (Celsius) are expected across much of Saskatchewan and Western Canada by Wednesday or Thursday according to Environment Canada forecasts. The cold temperatures are expected to make their way into Manitoba by… Continue reading Canola To Get Early Test As Prairies Brace For Frost