‘One hit after another:’ Prairie farmers worry CN Rail strike could cause massive grain shipping delays

Source: CBC News, November 19, 2019  3,200 conductors, yard workers went on strike across country Tuesday A strike by thousands of Canadian National Railway workers will likely make a bad harvest even worse, warns the head of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. On Tuesday, roughly 3,200 conductors and yard workers went on strike across the… Continue reading ‘One hit after another:’ Prairie farmers worry CN Rail strike could cause massive grain shipping delays

Freight rates take higher-than-normal jump

Source: Brian Cross, Producer.com, October 24, 2019   Reported increases of 12 percent indicate that railways may be managing the revenue cap more aggressively Western Canadian grain farmers will pay more money to move this year’s crop to export position. According to multiple sources, grain freight rates on some regulated railway routes have already risen… Continue reading Freight rates take higher-than-normal jump

Delayed harvest slows grain movement

Source: Brian Cross, Producer.com, September 25, 2019  Slow harvest progress in Western Canada is delaying the movement of grain to prairie elevators and export terminals on the West Coast and at Thunder Bay. John Brooks, executive vice-president with Canadian Pacific Railway, told investors in Montreal that the western Canadian harvest is as much as 30… Continue reading Delayed harvest slows grain movement

CP projects record grain movements in 2018-19

Source: Brian Cross, Producer.com, June 7, 2019  Canadian Pacific Railway expects to set a new record in 2018-19 for volumes of Canadian grain moved in a single crop year. In a recent interview with The Western Producer, Joan Hardy, CP’s vice-president of sales and marketing, grain and fertilizers, said CP is on pace to move… Continue reading CP projects record grain movements in 2018-19

Shipping delays late last year cost grain industry $7.8 million

Source: Brian Cross, Producer.com, February 7, 2019  Vancouver — The financial costs of Vancouver-area rail delays and freight embargoes in late 2018 will probably never be known, but the final tally likely won’t small, according to shippers that provided information to a Canada Transportation Agency investigation. Grain exporters estimated the cost of service disruptions that… Continue reading Shipping delays late last year cost grain industry $7.8 million

CN on pace for record grain handlings in 2018-19

Source: Brian Cross, Producer.com, January 31, 2019  Revenues at Canadian National Railway were up 10 percent in 2018 as the company reported strong fourth quarter volumes of grain, crude oil, intermodal cargoes and other commodities. Full year revenues at Canada’s largest railway company were reported at $14.3 billion in 2018, up from $13 billion the… Continue reading CN on pace for record grain handlings in 2018-19

CN Rail and CP Rail exceed grain revenue max despite drop in grain shipping

Source: Christopher Reynolds, The Canadian Press, December 31, 2018  Winter weather and large crop led to backlog in grain shipments last year The country’s two major railways exceeded their grain cap in 2017-18, despite shipping less of the stuff than last year, according to the Canadian Transportation Agency. Canadian National Railway Co. reaped $1.05 million more… Continue reading CN Rail and CP Rail exceed grain revenue max despite drop in grain shipping

Tanker plan sparks delay worries

Source: Jeremy Simes, Producer.com, December 7, 2018  Alberta’s plan to move a massive number of oil tanker cars by rail could potentially congest the flow of grain, say transportation experts, but they caution that any impact won’t fully be known until the additional trains are running. The plan would see the province move two train… Continue reading Tanker plan sparks delay worries

Sask. short line expands into grain buying

Source: Brian Cross, Producer.com, November 8, 2018  Great Western Railway Ltd. is Saskatchewan’s newest grain dealer. The short-line railway confirmed last week that it has formed an affiliated company — Great Western Commodities Ltd. — which will buy grain from producers in southern Saskatchewan and sell to buyers in Canada, the United States and overseas.… Continue reading Sask. short line expands into grain buying

Farmers urged to keep watch on rail shipping

Source: Karen Briere, Producer.com, September 20, 2018  Farm leaders last week told federal ministers they are closely watching grain movement this fall to make sure the railways don’t fall behind. Todd Lewis, president of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan, and Daryl Fransoo, a Western Canadian Wheat Growers director, both said communication is key as… Continue reading Farmers urged to keep watch on rail shipping