Your Crop Report for September 1 to 7, 2020

Producers made significant harvest progress this week with 43 per cent of the crop now in the bin, up from 28 per cent last week and remaining well ahead of the five-year (2015-2019) average of 35 per cent for this time of year. An additional 29 per cent of the crop is swathed or ready… Continue reading Your Crop Report for September 1 to 7, 2020

Sask. Farmers Hurrying to Get Crops in as Some Areas Are Hit Hard by Frost

Source: David Giles,, September 11, 2020 Strong winds and lack of moisture has also contributed to crop damage. Harvest is progressing rapidly across the province, says Saskatchewan Agriculture, however some crops were damaged after a hard frost hit most regions. Sask Ag said Thursday in its weekly crop report that most of the province… Continue reading Sask. Farmers Hurrying to Get Crops in as Some Areas Are Hit Hard by Frost

Pre-harvest Herbicide Applications

By Kim Stonehouse, PAg, Crops Extension Specialist, Tisdale and Clark Brenzil, PAg, Provincial Specialist Weed Control, Regina Applications of pre-harvest herbicides at the right time can aid harvest by reducing the amount of green weed material present in a crop and help control perennial weeds. If these applications are done at an incorrect time it… Continue reading Pre-harvest Herbicide Applications

Farmers Are Getting Ready for a Bumper Crop

Source: Sean Pratt,, August 18, 2020 “Wheat was the real knock-your-socks-off (crop).” Western Canadian farmers are poised to harvest a bumper crop if the weather holds, say analysts. Neil Townsend, chief market analyst with FarmLink Marketing Solutions, said there is staggering potential in the fields this year, especially for cereal crops. Read the full… Continue reading Farmers Are Getting Ready for a Bumper Crop

Harvest Is Looking Positive for Sask. Farmers

Source: Mandy Vocke,, July 29, 2020 The warm, sunny conditions expected in coming weeks will help with harvest. Many regions in Saskatchewan have seen plenty of rain and sunshine this summer, creating ideal conditions for many farmers. “We have an average to above-average crop coming along in a lot of the province and producers… Continue reading Harvest Is Looking Positive for Sask. Farmers

Coronoavirus drags commodity markets lower

Photo Credit: Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images

Source: Marlo Glass,, March 19, 2020 Many participants have been sidelined in the canola market due to uncertainty. Canada’s grain markets haven’t been immune to the growing panic surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on global economies. At the start of Monday’s trade, crude oil futures plummeted by over 30 per cent following… Continue reading Coronoavirus drags commodity markets lower

Financial stress soars for farmers

Source: Brian Cross,, March 11, 2020 Farmers are facing lost income and higher operating costs after a difficult harvest. The ability to cope with stress is an important attribute to have if you’re a farmer in Western Canada. Just ask Warren and Lyle Lutz, owners of Double L Farms south of Leross, Sask. The Lutz… Continue reading Financial stress soars for farmers

Despite progress, harvest in Sask. remains well behind average

Source: CBC News, October 17, 2019 Latest crop report says 69% of the crop is now in the bin Harvest in Saskatchewan remains well behind schedule even though many regions made good progress last week, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s latest crop report. Sixty-nine per cent of the crop is now in the bin — up from… Continue reading Despite progress, harvest in Sask. remains well behind average

Snow on the Way?

Weather Throwing Monkey-Wrench in Harvest Progress This week’s forecast includes sunny days followed by possible snow this weekend. This year’s harvest has been a challenge for producers as wet and cold weather has slowed harvest progress. However, the recent warm days with wind has allowed producers  to make some headway, as of September 16th, 23%… Continue reading Snow on the Way?

Rain Slows Harvest in West Central Area

Prolonged Rain Halted Harvest Across the Prairies The recent rainfall ground harvest operations to a halt earlier this week. According to the provincial crop report, only 18 percent of the harvest across Saskatchewan is complete. That is in sharp contrast to last year at this time when nearly 60 percent of the crop was already… Continue reading Rain Slows Harvest in West Central Area