7 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Health Resolutions

Health Resolutions A new year means a new you… for the next six weeks at least (or less, if your willpower lacks). If only New Year’s resolutions were as easy to keep are they are to make, we’d all be buff with beachin’ bods year-long. But then, of course, some delightfully evil-minded person crafted desserts… Continue reading 7 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Health Resolutions

Five resolutions health experts hate to hear – and what to do instead

New Year’s resolutions: They can be motivating and inspiring (“I want to feel healthy and strong in 2016”). Or they can be completely out of reach and by extension demoralizing and even dangerous (“I am going to run a marathon in a month, and I’m starting my training now!”). We asked some fitness and nutrition… Continue reading Five resolutions health experts hate to hear – and what to do instead