Distinguished Sask. First World War soldier honoured with memorial

Source: CBC News, November 10, 2017  Coulee named after Capt. David McAndie, a decorated member of the 10th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force It was an emotional day Thursday for the McAndie family as their relative, Capt. David McAndie, was recognized for his distinguished service during the First World War. On Thursday, a coulee close to McAndie’s homestead… Continue reading Distinguished Sask. First World War soldier honoured with memorial

RCMP, security officers honoured for stopping Parliament Hill attack

Nearly 18 months after the deadly shooting on Parliament Hill, members of the RCMP and the House of Commons Protective Service were publicly honoured for their role in stopping the attack. The ceremony took place at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, where Gov. Gen. David Johnston presented nine Medals of Bravery and six Stars of Courage.… Continue reading RCMP, security officers honoured for stopping Parliament Hill attack