Alberta Hunters Fined More Than $14,000 For Residency Deer Tagging Violations

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An Alberta couple recently pleaded guilty in St. Walburg provincial court to several hunting offences, including misrepresenting their place of residence, lying to a conservation officer and improperly harvesting and tagging game. The pair was fined a total of $14,340, concluding a long and complex investigation that was set in motion by a decision to… Continue reading Alberta Hunters Fined More Than $14,000 For Residency Deer Tagging Violations

Saskatchewan hunters donate more heads for chronic wasting disease testing

Source: The Canadian Press, February 13, 2018  About 300 samples are needed from one area to study it effectively Saskatchewan hunters are submitting more animal heads to be tested for chronic wasting disease, but a wildlife ecologist says more are needed to get a clearer picture of the spread of the disease. Todd Whiklo, who discussed… Continue reading Saskatchewan hunters donate more heads for chronic wasting disease testing