Local Youngster Collecting Toys for Children’s Hospital

Kinley’s Annual Toy Drive is Entering its 5th Year Most children look forward to all the toys they will get on their birthday, but for Kinley, a birthday means she can donate toys to the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. While this may appear like any other toy drive, this particular toy drive is close to… Continue reading Local Youngster Collecting Toys for Children’s Hospital

A Different Kind of Christmas List

(Story originally published in The Kindersley Clarion.) Christmas is coming, and five-year-old Kinley Hildebrandt and her parents, Candis and Justin, and big brother Cohen would love nothing more than to receive a call saying a liver donor has been found for Kinley. It’s been four weeks since Kinley was placed on a waiting list for… Continue reading A Different Kind of Christmas List

Five Year Old’s Rare Disease Sparks Family, Community, Generosity

As four-year-old Kinley Hildebrandt approaches her fifth birthday, the happy little dancer appears to have a “normal” childhood. What most observers wouldn’t know is that Kinley has a rare liver disease and has spent more time in a hospital in her short life than many will spend in a lifetime.  Prompted by their own time… Continue reading Five Year Old’s Rare Disease Sparks Family, Community, Generosity