Kinsmen Park Rink Grand Reopening

After several months of diligent efforts, the Friends of Kinsman Park are planning a grand reopening of the Kinsman Park Rink to the public. The plans to make this moment a reality started in the spring of last year. Fearing the loss of a community bonding place, the immediate residents banded together and fought to bring… Continue reading Kinsmen Park Rink Grand Reopening

Kindersley: Kinsmen Park Renewal

At the Town Council meeting on September 26, representatives of Friends of Kinsmen Park (FOKP) sought Council support on moving forward on the renewal of the Kinsmen Park. Elyse Moss addressed the Council with a plan of action for the renewal project. Moss outlined three main phases involving: The outdoor arena The shack Playground and… Continue reading Kindersley: Kinsmen Park Renewal