Moe Acknowledges Five Year Anniversary Of La Loche Tragedy

Photo Credit: CBC/Bryan Eneas

January 22, 2021, marked the five-year anniversary of the La Loche tragedy. Premier Scott Moe’s gave a statement commemorating the lives lost and the healing that is ongoing. “Five-years ago, La Loche was shaken by a terrible tragedy. “Everyone in this community felt the impact and everyone in the province shared your grief; but during… Continue reading Moe Acknowledges Five Year Anniversary Of La Loche Tragedy

Supreme Court of Canada will not hear appeal from La Loche shooter

Photo Credit: Chris Vandenbreekel/650 CKOM

Source: Jason Warick,, April 16, 2020 One of the worst school shootings in Canadian history, Randan Fontaine, 22, will serve his adult sentence—life in prison with no chance of parole for 10 years. The Supreme Court of Canada will not be hearing the case of the young man who went on a shooting rampage in… Continue reading Supreme Court of Canada will not hear appeal from La Loche shooter

Dog Cull Cancelled in Saskatchewan Village

Source: CBC News, July 14, 2019  The village of La Loche, Sask., has cancelled a controversial dog culling initiative amidst mounting public outcry on social media. “We’re not in the business of hurting animals so… we’re retracting that and we’re cancelling that — the destroying of the dogs,” La Loche Mayor Robert St. Pierre said… Continue reading Dog Cull Cancelled in Saskatchewan Village

Why lawyers appealed the La Loche shooter’s sentencing as an adult

Source: CBC News, June 21, 2018  Factors like cognitive ability, fetal alcohol syndrome and rehabilitation not considered, appeal states The man convicted of the 2016 mass shooting in La Loche, Sask., is appealing his adult sentence — and we now know why. The man, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, was given a… Continue reading Why lawyers appealed the La Loche shooter’s sentencing as an adult

Supports for La Loche in aftermath of mass shooting inadequate, community says

Source: CBC News, May 9, 2018  Judge calls it ‘another victimization of all involved’ When a 17-year-old man killed four people and injured seven others during a mass shooting in La Loche, Sask., pledges were made to provide further mental health supports, funding for housing, and a fly-in psychiatrist to regularly make the trip north. More than… Continue reading Supports for La Loche in aftermath of mass shooting inadequate, community says

Sask. school shooter gets life, no parole for 10 years

Source: Ryan McKenna, The Canadian Press, May 8, 2018  MEADOW LAKE, Sask. — A judge on Tuesday sentenced a young man who shot up a school and a home in northern Saskatchewan to life in prison and bemoaned a lack of support for survivors. The shooter, who killed four and injured seven, won’t be eligible for… Continue reading Sask. school shooter gets life, no parole for 10 years

La Loche killer to be sentenced for mass shooting crimes Tuesday

Source: CBC News, May 8, 2018  Teen faces life in prison after judge deemed youth sentence inappropriate The teen who killed four people and wounded seven others in a mass shooting in La Loche, Sask. is set to be sentenced today. The killer, who was 17 at the time of the shooting, will be sentenced as… Continue reading La Loche killer to be sentenced for mass shooting crimes Tuesday

Teen who pleaded guilty in La Loche shootings to be sentenced as an adult

Source: Charles Hamilton, CBC News, February 23, 2018  Teen killed 4, wounded 7 in January 2016 shooting in northern Saskatchewan The teen who pleaded guilty in the 2016 shooting spree in La Loche, Sask., will be sentenced as an adult, a provincial court judge decided Friday. People inside the courtroom began applauding as the decision was read… Continue reading Teen who pleaded guilty in La Loche shootings to be sentenced as an adult

‘Finally upon us:’ Mayor says apprehension on eve of school shooter sentencing

Source: Colette Derworiz, The Canadian Press, February 22, 2018  LA LOCHE, Sask. — An imminent sentencing decision for a young man who pleaded guilty to fatal shootings at a school and a home is stirring anxiety in the remote northern Saskatchewan community where they occurred. A ruling by Judge Janet McIvor on whether the shooter will… Continue reading ‘Finally upon us:’ Mayor says apprehension on eve of school shooter sentencing