‘I just knew that I had to’: Sister of school shooting victim leads La Loche youth research project

Source: Alicia Bridges, CBC News, January 15, 2018  Caitlin Wood’s brother Adam was 1 of 4 people killed in 2016 shooting It’s impossible for Caitlin Wood to know exactly how her brother Adam would feel about a research project she has done to give the youth of La Loche, Sask. a voice through photography. Adam, a… Continue reading ‘I just knew that I had to’: Sister of school shooting victim leads La Loche youth research project

Final arguments expected to conclude today in La Loche shooting case

Source: Charles Hamilton, CBC News October 20, 2017  May be weeks before decision on whether teen who shot and killed 4 people will be sentenced as an adult The question of whether or not a teen killer suffered from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is expected to be central as final arguments begin Friday at the sentencing hearing… Continue reading Final arguments expected to conclude today in La Loche shooting case

'I want justice:' Victims call for adult sentence in Sask. school shooting

By Bob Weber, The Canadian Press, October 28, 2016  MEADOW LAKE, Sask. — People who say their lives changed forever the day a teen took a gun and went to a high school and a home in northern Saskatchewan — killing four and wounding seven — want him punished as a grown man. A hearing is… Continue reading 'I want justice:' Victims call for adult sentence in Sask. school shooting

Paramedics honoured for heroics during La Loche school shooting

By Francois Biber, CBC News, October 18, 2016  Kalvin Jones and Darryl Morin ran inside the school while shooter was on the loose The two paramedics who rushed inside the Dene High School in La Loche, Sask., during a school shooting this winter received an award for their bravery. Kalvin Jones and Darryl Morin from the Keewatin Yatthe Regional Health Authority were the… Continue reading Paramedics honoured for heroics during La Loche school shooting

Teacher who lost sight after school shooting says she's getting little help

By The Canadian Press, September 29, 2016  Teacher shot in La Loche fighting for more help Charlene Klyne lost her sight after a deadly school shooting in northern Saskatchewan and still has shotgun pellets lodged in her jaw and chest. Klyne was among seven people hurt in the shooting at the high school in La… Continue reading Teacher who lost sight after school shooting says she's getting little help

La Loche students to graduate after school shooting

By Devin Heroux, CBC News, June 27, 2016  35 students will be getting their diplomas today It’s a chance for the Saskatchewan community of La Loche to celebrate something inside a school where tragedy struck just months ago. Today, the 35 students making up this year’s graduating class will be getting their diplomas. Read full… Continue reading La Loche students to graduate after school shooting

‘I’m recovering,’ La Loche, Sask. shooting paramedics honoured at Government House

By David Baxter, Global News, May 30, 2016  Paramedics from across Saskatchewan received their field’s highest honour on Monday, the Exemplary Service Award. The Stars of Life Award was also presented for “outstanding commitment and acts of bravery”. For two of recipients, it was a very bittersweet moment. During the ceremony at Government House, Lieutenant… Continue reading ‘I’m recovering,’ La Loche, Sask. shooting paramedics honoured at Government House

Football camp for La Loche, Sask., postponed indefinitely by smoke

By CBC News, May 25, 2016  The smoke from wildfires is the cause of delays It’s a change of plans for a group of high school football players from Regina who were set to travel La Loche, Sask., at the end of May to put on a camp for youngsters in the north and get a… Continue reading Football camp for La Loche, Sask., postponed indefinitely by smoke

School threat assessment tool expanding in Saskatchewan

By CBC News, May 20, 2016  The Violence Threat Risk Assessment protocol tries to get ahead of any potential school violence A new risk assessment tool is spreading to schools across Saskatchewan. The Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) is a coordinated effort between teachers, principals and parents to identify threats in a school and de-escalate… Continue reading School threat assessment tool expanding in Saskatchewan