Tesla says Model 3 orders top $10 billion (U.S.) in first 36 hours

Source: Paul Lienert, The Globe and Mail, April 4, 2016  Tesla Motors Inc said orders for its new Model 3 electric sedan topped 253,000 in the first 36 hours — a fast start for the company’s first mass-market vehicle, which may not begin to reach customers for another 18 months or more. Tesla Chief Executive… Continue reading Tesla says Model 3 orders top $10 billion (U.S.) in first 36 hours

Oil patch veteran Jim Gray offers wisdom on crude collapse

Doesn’t know if we’ve hit bottom yet, but says the industry will be fine long term February 17, 2015 Jim Gray got his first job in the oil patch in 1956, when oil was trading somewhere south of $5 a barrel. Trained as a geologist, Gray founded Canadian Hunter Exploration in 1973 and built it… Continue reading Oil patch veteran Jim Gray offers wisdom on crude collapse