Harvest delays supporting canola futures

Source: Phil, MarketsFarm, Producer.com, Octobre 1, 2019  The ICE Futures canola market was stronger on Tuesday, seeing some follow-through speculative buying after Monday’s rally. Harvest delays and quality concerns following recent snow, rain, and cold temperatures across parts of the Prairies remained supportive, according to traders. Continued strength in Chicago Board of Trade soybeans also… Continue reading Harvest delays supporting canola futures

Wheat markets take a tumble

Source: Michael Raine, Producer.com, February 25, 2019 Wheat headed lower as international markets appeared to be more robust than many analysts had thought. Even hard red spring types were under pressure as American exports ran into heavy competition from the European Union and Russia. It was largely suspected that Russian supplies were heavily depleted as… Continue reading Wheat markets take a tumble

Western Canadian wheat bids rise with U.S. futures

Source: Commodity News Service Canada, Glen Hallick, Producer.com, December 17, 2018  Wheat bids in Western Canada were mostly up for the week ended Dec. 14, as strength in the Unites States futures and a weaker Canadian dollar. Average Canadian Western Red Spring (13.5 percent CWRS) wheat prices were mostly up C$2 to C$7, except for eastern… Continue reading Western Canadian wheat bids rise with U.S. futures

Rye prices are as good as they’re going to get

Source: Commodity News Service Canada, Glen Hallick, Producer.com, December 4, 2018  At more than C$7 per bushel for rye in Western Canada, Cal Vandaele of Vandaele Seed in Medora, Man. believes the price has topped off. “There’s been bids touching C$8,” Vandaele said, adding the price will decline over the winter. “When they start getting into these… Continue reading Rye prices are as good as they’re going to get

Dairy braces for trade deal losses

Source: Barb Glen, Producer.com, November 29, 2018  CALGARY — Various Canadian agricultural commodity groups have praised results of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, noting it preserved an existing export relationship and limited the trade uncertainty generated by renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. And if the dairy industry had to allow access to 3.5 percent… Continue reading Dairy braces for trade deal losses

Canadian beekeepers face plummeting honey prices as harvest wraps up

By The Canadian Press, September 2, 2016  China, for its part, says it takes strict steps to ensure quality inspections for its export products As they finish harvesting this year’s crop, Canadian honey producers say they are being stung with prices that have fallen by about 50 per cent since a year ago, a devastating… Continue reading Canadian beekeepers face plummeting honey prices as harvest wraps up

‘Money is flying away from the loonie’ as oil prices slump after Doha

By Michael Babad, The Globe and Mail, April 18, 2016 Loonie among ‘main victims’ of oil plunge The Canadian dollar took a mighty tumble today, sliding along with other commodity-linked currencies as oil prices fell, before a strong rebound. Crude slumped, though gained back some ground, after the failure of several oil-producing nations to strike… Continue reading ‘Money is flying away from the loonie’ as oil prices slump after Doha

Vessel lineups increasing at West Coast

Source: Brian Cross, The Western Producer, March 28, 2016  The number of ocean-going vessels waiting to be loaded with grain at the Port of Vancouver has increased to 30. It’s the highest number the port has seen in more than a year. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean Western Canada’s supply chain for grain and oilseeds… Continue reading Vessel lineups increasing at West Coast