Hey Let’s Do the Physics of a Crazy Person Launching From a Huge Slingshot

By Rhett Allain, wired.com, July 18, 2016  THIS VIDEO IS just asking to be a physics problem on my final exam. Here we have someone launched into the air with a slingshot. The fellow then opens a parachute and floats back to Earth. I’m not saying I would do this event, but it’s a great physics problem.… Continue reading Hey Let’s Do the Physics of a Crazy Person Launching From a Huge Slingshot

Fold A Piece Of Paper In Half 103 Times And It Will Be As Thick As The UNIVERSE

Source: Stephen Luntz, iflscience.com  Did you know that if you could fold a piece of typical paper 42 times you would have a tower that would stretch to the moon? No? It’s just one of the amazing examples of exponential growth given by Nikola Slavkovic in the video below. Ahh you say, but it is… Continue reading Fold A Piece Of Paper In Half 103 Times And It Will Be As Thick As The UNIVERSE